The secret MOST couples keep from each other / Jodi’s top 5 entertainment stories / Grateful Friday Friday, January 26 by Murphy, Sam & Jodi The secret MOST couples keep from each other. Jodi’s Top 5 Entertainment Stories of the Week. Grateful Friday AND a look...
The Weekend Replay PODCAST: Why we’re invested in celebrity couples / Shop small / Why is Jodi writing notes of shame? Monday, October 2 by Murphy, Sam & Jodi Why we’re invested in celebrity couples. Shop small. Why is Jodi writing notes of shame?
Why do we get so invested in celebrity couples? / Grateful Friday / Why you SHOULD buy holiday gifts from your friends in business Friday, September 29 by Murphy, Sam & Jodi WHY do we get SO invested in celebrity couples? Especially a certain football player and pop star right now. Grateful Friday. Why...
FLASHBACK: Don’t mess with animals in a national park / What couples argue about most / Sam’s advice to kids Monday, September 4 by Murphy, Sam & Jodi Don’t mess with animals in a national park. What couples argue about most. Sam’s advice to kids.
The Amazon scam warning / What WEIRD thing Murphy was doing / What couples argue about most Thursday, August 3 by Murphy, Sam & Jodi The AMAZON Scam warning that helps us not get scammed anywhere! What WEIRD thing was Murphy doing instead of coming...